• Open workshop for Internal Committee Members – POSH.(Prevention Of Sexual Harassment at Workplace)
  • Camp-Kaleidoscope
  • Event 3
  • Event Two
  • Event One

0(732) 803-010-03

Our Story

OPASH is a commercial organization aspiring to create a support structure for development sector and be a catalyst for systematic innovation.

Conceived in 2014 with the idea of making youth more aware of and involved in social development sector as well as enable them to choose social work as professional career, OPASH has been working to bridge the socially prospering population with Indian majority oppressed by hard social realities.

Headquartered in Pune, OPASH has been helping organizations and individuals in reaching out to the social sector. OPASH believes that sustainable social development is possible when a socially responsible actions become an integral part of thought process, and is committed to growth of sustainable changes.


We believe that a positive change in society at larger scale is possible through a paradigm shift in society’s accumulative thinking & actions. And the most effective way to achieve this is by instilling socially responsible values in people at a very young age. The resulting active involvement of youth towards development through an all-inclusive, innovative and research-based approach is the key trigger for a much-needed wave of sustainable social changes. To facilitate this start, Opash intends to provide a platform for our youths to explore, understand and enter development sector, and use their energy, creativity and passion to create & develop economically viable and scalable

Our Goals

  • To inspire people to contribute for development through exposure to the existing social issues & projects
  • To provide a platform for implementing practical innovative solutions intended for achieving sustainable development
  • To achieve sustainable development in a systematic process oriented manner, that is socially viable


The People

We at Opash, are an eclectic mix of young professionals, inspired and bound together through a common goal of social betterment. Having experienced the challenges one faces to get into development sector, we joined hands to collaboratively create the platform that is OPASH. The team collectively has substantial experience in both corporate industry and development sector and is guided by an expert panel as its advisory team. The team is highly resourceful with its case studies, networks, researches and program implementation in development sector, and is continuously working on improving it even higher levels


Opash envisions an inclusively growing society where socialtransformation/bettermentare driven by youths through innovative & sustainable social changes


Help develop socially responsible way of life by making the youth and citizens’ socially aware&provide an environment to nurture and implement innovative, sustainable and scalable solutions for development problems by kindling their entrepreneurial drive

  • Philosophy
  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Our Goals
  • The People

We believe that a positive change in society at larger scale is possible through a paradigm shift in society’s accumulative thinking & actions. And the most effective way to achieve this is by instilling socially responsible values in people at a very young age. The resulting active involvement of youth towards development through an all-inclusive, innovative and research-based approach is the key trigger for a much-needed wave of sustainable social changes. To facilitate this start, Opash intends to provide a platform for our youths to explore, understand and enter development sector, and use their energy, creativity and passion to create & develop economically viable and scalable