Welcome to the world of Ordnyanic!!
On 2 Oct 2020 Team Opash did an Online Launch its beloved project ‘Ordnyanic’!!
Through pre-launch activities enough buzz around it was created and we were pleasantly surprised to see the response it was already getting! The launch was just a way of official announcement for being open to accept orders, as people who loved the concept were already approaching us, even before the launch!
‘Ordnyanic’ literally means dnyaan, knowledge and wisdom of the soil. With Ordnyanic we are aiming to bring to you the joy of producing ordnyanic vegetables in your own terrace using ordnyanic waste generated in your home, all while doing your bit at keeping the surroundings clean and your family healthy.
The launch was a simple yet encouraging affair for us – the team Opash as we got in an informal talk with Mr. Yogesh and Ms. Geetanjali – The owners of the terrace farm where we had run Ordnyanic’s pilot project. It was great to reminisce about the journey that the pilot project has been! Just remembering how the vegetable-bed was set, how the seeds were sowed and how the plants were planted, and after a few experiments, learning and required changes here and there, how the most awaited yield of fresh and residue free vegetables was produced – was an awesome journey down the memory lane and we at Opash were more than happy to see our first consumers of fresh produce truly happy and satisfied.
As much as the interaction with Yogesh and Geetanjali made us happy, it also gave us confidence and motivation to bring this service to more and more people and deliver the best, like always!
The highest moment of the launch arrived when Yogesh and Geetanjali along with the entire team Opash unveiled the Brochure of Ordnyanic and when we declared that the services were now for everyone to be availed!
So, don’t wait!
Reach out to us to take your own “Ordnyanic” experience. Services under Ordnyanic are chargeable & available for Bungalow Owners upon taking Yearly Subscriptions.
We take immense pride in our excellent customer service and we are sure that you will echo this pride by recommending us to your near and dear ones.
Keep watching this space and follow our FB page for getting regular updates about this project! Stay tuned!
Facebook Link: www.facebook.com/ordnyanic